In Progress
The following page is a work in progress. The information on this page so far is thought to be correct, but may be in complete.
This page will help a developer understand the basic ideas to Terracotta cluster enabling a Sakai tool. This page rely on the code changes documented in the High Level Design and Jira Task Description pages. The steps and ideas presented here are a guideline and will most likely not cover all situation that will come up when trying to cluster enable a tool.
Example Only
The following sections use the Announcements tool in all the examples. This tool is provided as an example only. As of the last update to this page (November 2008), the Announcments tool had NOT been Terracotta cluster enabled.
Turn Terracotta On and Run Sakai
Follow the instructions in the System Administrator Guide to build and deploy a Terracotta Enabled Sakai. Once the Terracotta server is running, start the Sakai Tomcat server with Terracotta enabled. With Sakai running in Terracotta enabled mode, try to login and use your tool. If you have not updated the whitelist property, your tool should work normally. Now stop Sakai and update the tool whitelist property (see the System Administrator Guide for more information on this property) and add the tool id for the tool you wish to cluster enable.
clusterableTools@org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager=sakai.login,sakai.membership, sakai.resources,sakai.dropbox,sakai.filepicker,sakai.resource.type.helper, sakai.announcements,sakai.synoptic.announcement
Note: this should all be on one line, but has been wrapped for legibility
Start Sakai again with Terracotta enabled. Login and exercise your tool. You will most likely receive a Terracotta Portability exception in the catalina.out log file. These exceptions will help you know which classes must be instrumented for Terracotta.
Create a Terracotta Integration Module
Use one of the existing Sakai TIM modules as a reference to copy and create a version for the tool you are interested in porting. For example if I was interested in trying to cluster-enable the announcement tool, I might do something like this:
svn export announcement/announcement-tim
After you have copied the previous tim, you should edit the pom.xml
file and update it for your module name. It should be as simple as changing content
to announcement
. After you have updated the pom.xml
file, you should edit the terracotta.xml
file. It is recommended you start from an empty terracotta.xml
file that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml-fragment> <instrumented-classes> </instrumented-classes> <transient-fields> </transient-fields> <additional-boot-jar-classes> </additional-boot-jar-classes> </xml-fragment>
After the terracotta.xml
file is updated, you can try to build the announcement-tim
module with the standard maven commands (e.g., {{mvn clean install}).
Next, add the announcement-tim
module to the parent pom.xml
Finally, you will need to modify the terracotta-config
module to include your TIM as part of it's build process. You will need to modify the pom.xml
and the tc-config.xml
file in the terracotta-config
module. You can copy/past/edit the content
line as an example. In the case of the anouncements example, I would add the following line:
<copy file="${settings.localRepository}/org/sakaiproject/tim-announcement/${sakai.version/tim-announcement-${sakai.version}.jar" tofile="${terracotta.config.tims}/org/sakaiproject/tim-announcement/${sakai.version/tim-announcement-${sakai.version}.jar"/>
to the pom.xml
file and the following line:
<module name="tim-announcement" version="<at:var at:name="SAKAI_VERSION" />" group-id="org.sakaiproject"/>
to the tc-config.xml
file. AFter these changes are all complete, the maven command referenced in the System Administrator Guide should be run within the terracotta-config
mvn -Dterracotta.enable=true clean install
If you've successfully copied and modified all the right files in all the right places, you should see output in your build that includes something like this:
[copy] Copying 1 file to /home/holdorph/projects/sakai/apache-tomcat-5.5.26/sakai/tcotta/tims/org/sakaiproject/tim-announcement/M2
Add Classes for Instrumentation
After you add your tool to the whitelist and try to use that tool in a Terracotta enabled Sakai, you should start seeing Terracotta portability exceptions for anything that is added to the Session. The beginning of the stacktrace might look like this. ******************************************************************************* Attempt to share an instance of a non-portable class by passing it as an argument to a method of a logically-managed class. This unshareable class has not been included for sharing in the configuration. For more information on this issue, please visit our Troubleshooting Guide at: Thread : http-8080-Processor23 JVM ID : VM(5) Logically-managed class name: java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap Logical method name : put(Object,Object) Non-included classes : org.sakaiproject.announcement.tool.AnnouncementActionState, org.sakaiproject.cheftool.ControllerState Action to take: 1) Reconfigure to include the unshareable classes * edit your tc-config.xml file * locate the <dso> element * add this snippet inside the <dso> element <instrumented-classes> <include> <class-expression>org.sakaiproject.announcement.tool.AnnouncementActionState</class-expression> </include> <include> <class-expression>org.sakaiproject.cheftool.ControllerState</class-expression> </include> </instrumented-classes> * if there is already an <instrumented-classes> element present, simply add the new includes inside it It is possible that some or all of the classes above are truly non-portable, the solution is then to mark the referring field as transient. ******************************************************************************* at at at at at at at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment.put( at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.put(Unknown Source) at org.sakaiproject.tool.impl.MyLittleSession.setAttribute(
As you can see, Terracotta tries to be extremely helpful providing you with the specific information you'll need for the next steps.
Add class to terracotta.xml
As the stacktrace points out, you will need to add a new section to the terracotta.xml
file you created above (as part of creating the TIM module). Given the stacktrace above, my terracotta.xml
would now look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <xml-fragment> <instrumented-classes> <include> <class-expression>org.sakaiproject.announcement.tool.AnnouncementActionState</class-expression> </include> <include> <class-expression>org.sakaiproject.cheftool.ControllerState</class-expression> </include> </instrumented-classes> <transient-fields> </transient-fields> <additional-boot-jar-classes> </additional-boot-jar-classes> </xml-fragment>
Determine if class has any transient fields
coming soon
Mark transient fields in Java code or terracotta.xml
coming soon
Create a mechanism for resolving transient fields if necessary
coming soon
Promote inner classes to top level classes
coming soon
Retest and Repeat
After you have added the class for instrumentation, checked for transient fields, created a mechanism for resolving transient fields and promoted an inner class to top level class (if necessary), then it is time to retest. Rerun the build process to create your tool's TIM and rerun the terracotta-config
build to deploy the tc-config.xml
and TIMs. Test your tool again. If you still see exceptions repeat the process. This is one iterative way to work your way through cluster enabling a Sakai tool.