Handler | Media Type | HTML Tag | Template ID | Media Handled |
CEImage | image/* | IMAGE | content-image-00 | Images and simple animation. |
CEText | text/plain | DIV | content-text-00 | Plain text. |
CEStructuredText | text/html | DIV | content-text-00 | Structured text marked up by HTML. |
CEUrl | text/url | IFRAME | content-framed-00 | Remote web pages wrapped in an iFrame. |
CEGridLayout | sousa/grid-layout | DIV | content-text-00 | Sousa grid layout page object. |
CEVideo | video/* | EMBED | content-embeded-00 | Video objects including avi, mpg, and wmv. |
CEVideo | audio/* | EMBED | content-embeded-00 | Audio objects including wav. |
CECsv | text/csv | TABLE | content-table-00 | Data represented as comma separated values displayed as a table. |
Content Element handler objects include:
content-text-00 | Text media elements including HTML markup. |
content-image-00 | Image media elements including simple animation. |
content-framed-00 | Framed media elements such as urls. |
content-embeded-00 |
Embedded media elements such as audio and video |
. | |
content-table-00 | Tabular presentation of material. |
content-text-01 | Text media elements including HTML markup. |
content-image-01 | Image media elements including simple animation. |
content-framed-01 | Framed media elements such as urls. |
content-embeded- |
01 | Embedded media elements such as audio and video. |
content-table-01 | Tabular presentation of material. |
The numerical suffix distinguishes between table cells in a common row.
If no media handler is available for a given media type, a "no thumb" image is displayed. This image is Certain types of media may have placeholder icons displayed as a thumbnail - CSV data, for example. These images are included in the tool content.
Handler | Media Type | Parameter 0 | Parameter 1 | Parameter 2 | Parameter 3 | Status |
CEImage | image/* | height | width | border |
| Display and Edit |
CEText | text/plain |
| Display and Edit |
CEStructuredText | text/html |
| Display Only |
CEUrl | text/url | height | width |
| Display and Edit |
CEGridLayout | sousa/grid-layout |
| Display and Edit |
CEVideo | video/* | height | width | autostart |
| Display and Edit |
CEAudio | audio/* | autostart |
| Display and Edit |
CECsv | text/csv | first-row-header | first-col-header | border |
| TBD |
Content Editing
Most Sousa content elements originate as a file. Thus, in order to edit content, users will need to upload and replace the content of an existing content resource. RSF provides support for file upload via its MultipartResolver support. See File Upload.