CKSource has created an Accessibility Checker that lets you inspect the accessibility level of content created in CKEditor and immediately solve any accessibility issues that are found. This checker makes use of the QUAIL jQuery plugin (which is included).
Guide to installing CKSource Accessibility Checker Plugin
The CKSource Accessibility Checker Plugin is available commercially or as a GPL licensed work. It is not available in a license that can be distributed alongside Sakai’s ECL2 license. Individuals are free to combine these two great products for their use, just not for redistribution together.
You will also need a copy of the balloonpanel plugin which can be obtained from http://ckeditor.com/addon/panel
Step 2. Deploy
Deploy the zip files to webapps/library/editor/ckextraplugins/ by uncompressing all files in the archive "a11ychecker" and "balloonpanel" zip archives. The process should create a folder for both “a11ychecker” and “balloonpanel”.
The modified files are likely to be cached by web browsers. User web browsers need to have their caches expire or naturally expire.
Build Automatically
This plugin can be included in your Sakai build with the following command
mvn -Pckeditor-extras install sakai:deploy
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