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This page relates to an older OpenSyllabus Version. Some parts needs revision.

Quick start for developers

For developers here is a quick tutorial on how to set OpenSyllabus project into Eclipse

The OpenSyllabus source code is not yet available from a Subversion repository but you may download it as an archive here
titleSource not yet available from repository!
titleDocument Purpose

If you only want to test OpenSyllabus, you can download a bundle that includes a Tomcat instance configured with Sakai and OpenSyllabus.

This tutorial will show you how to load the OpenSyllabus project into Eclipse.



Installation and deployment of OpenSyllabus with Sakai 2.4/2.5 and GWT 1.5

1) First of all, a working installation of Sakai 2.4 or 2.5 is mandatory prior to install OpenSyllabus but at this time, OSYL is not synchronized with Sakai 2.5 trunk, thus you will need to download a bundle corresponding to a specific snapshot of Sakai 2.5 (see below).

That said, if you never have installed the Sakai Development Environment, you should read and follow the instructions at the following address. This will allow you to install and configure Subversion, Maven, Eclipse and Tomcat.

titleInstallation of Sakai 2.5 Development Environment


In fact, Subversion, Maven, Eclipse and Tomcat should all be installed and configured properly.

2) Next, get the OpenSyllabus source-code

Using Subversion (SVN), perform a checkout of osyl (backend code) and osyl-core-gwt (frontend code) to the local Sakai repository.

Considering <SAKAI_HOME>, the path to the Sakai installation directory

(OpenSyllabus source-code will be available soon at the following repository address)The OpenSyllabus source code is not yet available from a Subversion repository but here is how to download it as an archive.

svn://<coming soon>/opensyllabus/contrib/sakai/sakai-opensyllabus/trunk


Unzip a special Sakai 2.5 archive ("le zip de Tom") and this OpenSyllabus archive in your local Sakai repository
titleCheckout the Download OpenSyllabus source code with Subversion

Download the 2 following zip archives: (36 MB) and (2 MB).

Extract first, it will create a folder osyl-sakai25 then extract in that folder.

3) You also need to install the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) library on your PC

titleDownload GWT

GWT library is available here:
GWT version 1.5.2 (shipping release) is mandatory.


titleInstall the google-web-toolkit-incubator

GWT incubator library can be download from here

Put the gwt-incubator_1-4_final.jar into your GWT base directory (i.e. GWT_HOME)

6) Install the Sakai's properties file into TOMCAT subdirectory

Considering <TOMCAT_HOME>, the path to the TOMCAT installation directory

titleInstall Sakai's properties file

If you are installing Sakai 2.5 you must create a subdirectory <TOMCAT_HOME>/sakai
and put this file in it.

titleCheck and Edit Sakai's properties file

Make sure that the file contains the right information
about your own Sakai database configuration.

7) Don't forget to put a copy of the gwt-user.jar into the TOMCAT shared/lib directory


titlePut a copy of the gwt-user library into TOMCAT shared

<GWT_HOME>/gwt-user.jar into <TOMCAT_HOME>/shared/lib

87) Next, you have to compile the JCR module first

Considering <SAKAI_HOME>, the path to the Sakai installation directory (osyl-sakai25 in our case)
Use this MAVEN command from the Sakai's base directory (i.e. <SAKAI_HOME>)

titleCompile the JCR module

cd jcr
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

98) Then compile and deploy Sakai for the first time with this command :


titleCompile the Sakai project

cd ..
mvn clean install sakai:deploy -Pmini -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.tomcat.home=<TOMCAT_HOME>

109) For subsequent compilations and deployment, you can use this command :


Let's have a look at the OpenSyllabus code structure.

  • Sakai Source Code Structure
    • osyl-core-gwt (Frontend project (GWT code)
      • client
      • public
      • shared
    • osyl (Backend project (Sakai's , ie OSYL-Sakai tool code)
      • api dir
      • impl dir
      • tool dir


We've found 3 possible use cases:

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Use case A - client update only


In "Hosted Mode", a JVM executes the GWT code as Java bytecode inside a special embedded browser window (before your Java code having been translated into JavaScript).

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Running GWT Webapp in "Hosted Mode" makes debugging easy following a standard edit-run-debug cycle


titleTo compile your Java source code to JavaScript

Just click on the Compile/Browse button in the embedded browser window Image Removed Image Added
Or open the startup file OsylEditorEntryPoint-compile.cmd (select it, right-click on it + Open With + Default Editor).
It should launch a program from the console.
