The following community members currently comprise the K1 team. If you have experience working with Sakai core services and are interested in either submitting patches or becoming an active K1 committer please contact Unlicensed Former user (Deleted). Joining the team requires approval by the current membership but don't let that requirement prevent you from expressing interest.
Matthew Buckett, Oxford
Jim Eng, UMich
Unlicensed Former user (Deleted), UCT
Beth Kirschner, UMich
Unlicensed Former user (Deleted), UMich
Unlicensed Former user (Deleted), ANU
Seth Theriault, Columbia
Unlicensed Former user (Deleted), Sakai Foundation/UMich
Unlicensed user, UniconUMich (branch manager)
Former user (Deleted)
Emeritus status
Ian Boston, Cambridge
Ray Davis, UC Berkeley
Former user (Deleted), UCT
Zach Thomas, Aeroplane Software
Unlicensed user, UCT