Installation instructions for the BlogWow tool for system administrators. See the User Guide for steps to add the tool to a site or setup the permissions for the tool.
- Stable release version:
- BlogWow 0.9.9
- Required versions for 0.9.9:
- Sakai 2.2.x or higher
- EntityBroker 1.2.0
How to get the source code and build the tool
- BlogWow works on Sakai 2.2.x or higher, it will NOT work on earlier versions
- Change to your sakai source directory (e.g. /opt/<sakai-src>/)
- Checkout the most recent stable version (in this case 0.9.9)
Run svn checkout blogwow- subversion will create a blogwow directory for you, you can use any directory name you like, just change the last blogwow into the word you want.
- Add entity broker project (required)
- If you are running Sakai 2.5.0 then entitybroker 1.2.0 is already included
- Checkout entity broker 1.2.0 (or highest tag) into your sakai source directory (use subclipse or the command below)
svn co entity-broker entitybroker - Build entity broker using maven sakai from within the entity-broker folder entitybroker folder
- If you are using maven 2 then run mvn clean install sakai:deploy
- Change to blogwow source directory (e.g. /opt/<sakai-src>/blogwow)
- Run maven sakai
- This will download all needed jars and compile the source code
- You may need to add the following repositories to your maven get all needed jars:
- If you are using maven 2 then run mvn clean install sakai:deploy
- Start tomcat and check the log for errors, there should be none if all jars were downloaded and installed correctly