Versions Compared


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This page refers to the stable 0.5 version of ContentReview tagged here: This work began in ticket

Jira Legacy

If you are using version 0.7, this may be of interest: Guide to installing Turnitin Content Review Service 0.7+

What it does

The Turnitin implementation of the content-review service is exposed in the Assignments tool in the Add/Revise Assignment page, Assignment submissions list page, and student assignment submission view page. Where Turnitin is selected for the Assignment, student submissions are automatically sent to Turnitin, and result scores retrieved. A link is displayed for each submission for instructors to view the corresponding Turnitin report. See Screenshots of Turnitin in Sakai.


The Turnitin integration for Sakai is currently supported by UCT. If you have questions about how to deploy or use it, contact ~dhorwitz or ~smarquard Former user (Deleted) or Former user (Deleted), or join the sakai-dev site on and email the mailing list.


The account ID of your institutions primary TurnitIn account that you configured with the administrator login to set a shared key for.


The sub account ID to which Sakai will submit content

This should not be used, as it is not necessary anymore, as each account can itself be configured in Turnitin to be used with any integration.


The TurnitIn API password for your Insititution. If you don't have one speak to your TurnitIn rep to have one set, check your Turnitin administrator login and subsequent configuration area for your account.

turnitin.apiURL (Optional)
