OSP 2.5 will be synchronized with the Sakai 2.5 release with a current target release November 2007. The code freeze for the release is September 15th, 2007.
Requirements & Specifications
Existing JIRA Summary
Please review the summary of all OSP JIRA Issues.
- rSmart?
- Sean Keesler
- John Gosney
- Michigan - Zac Monahan & Melissa Peet use cases
High Level Scope
Each of the items below represents a high-level scope item. These are intended to frame the release and focus our efforts on elaborating requirements that fall into scope, and postponing work on requirements that fall outside the scope. Once requirements are complete, the set of agreed upon requirements will be posted.
Example focus areas include:
- Integration with other Sakai Tools
- User Interface focused on (student-centric) workflows
- Deeper integration of the Goal Management tools with OSP
- A well-populated community library
OSP 2.5
An initial plan is to work on a redesign of the OSP tools during the 2.5 development process so that the plan will be ready to implement by the 2.6 development cycle