Created a static test page at: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Mark/My%20Documents/_work/uCompass/steam-engine.htm
Talked to Tom Petz on the phone.
My domain needs to be registered. He is registering "localhost" for me.
He will also add some Octate tools to demonstrate.
24 sub-pages, most of which are no help.
Other interesting pages:
- Content Hosting /wiki/spaces/ARCHIVE/pages/19428638826 - written by me, no less.
- Content Hosing Service - largely about migration to JCR, which was implemented but never quite went all the way. Got derailed by Sakai-3 (OAE).
Built JavaDoc using "javadoc:javadoc", which is deprecated but seems to still work. The comment mentioned "javadoc:aggregate".
JavaDoc got built to file:///C:/dev-sakai/kernel-1.2.6/target/site/apidocs/index.html
Copied the following JARS into the lib section of oct: