- Knowing what's in the release ahead of time
- More recruitment of participation by early adopters
- Documentation of changes and release notes during the process
- Need to target a full release product, esp. quality documentation, and not only bug-squashing
- Need to report out the discussions and consensus points more reliably
Reviewing Proposed Sakai 2.7 changes
- Need to come to an understanding of what we're facing, how it can be documented and tested.
- Will need targeted communication with team leads or individuals to elicit response
- Should be easy place for developers to see what the status of their work is, e.g. what more needs to be done, and by when
- Template for communicating the changes and what needs to be shared with the community (Scorecard and others). Too many templates right now, need a clear standard.
- Get more volunteers to review these issues other than just Foundation staff
- The chart lays things out as JIRA line-items, when some of them should be clumped because they may impact one another.
- Not what should be in or out, but rather does the release team have the information it needs? Do they have test plans, documentation, etc.
- Action item: volunteers pick up "high user impact" items, and go through and document what questions need to have answers, and we'll use this small set of concrete cases to establish what our development reporting template should be.
- Megan - Forums
- Clay - Assignments
- David Haines - Synoptic Messages/Forums tool
- Anthony - when back from vacation will work with Pete on cleaning up Jira issues