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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


The process of using the Evaluation Tool involves the following general steps:

  1. Create your items (this is optional as you can also create items while creating a template)
  2. Create a template
  3. Add items to your template
  4. Create an evaluation
    1. Set the parameters for the evaluation
  5. Run the evaluation
  6. View the results


  • Site/Group Listing: displays the groups that you can be evaluated in and the groups you can evaluate
  • Evaluations I am creating or administering: displays the title, status and date of your evaluations 
    • Clicking on the Title of the evaluation will bring up a preview of the evaluation. 
    • The Status column will indicate whether an evaluation is active or if results are viewable.  You can click on the View Report link to gain direct access to the report for that particular evaluation. 
    • The Date column will indicate the due date of the evaluation or the date of when results became viewable.

Creating items

  1. Click My Items.  You'll see both the items you've created and the expert items that come with the tool or have been added by others.
  2. Select the type of item you'd like to add (Scaled/Survey, Short Answer/Essay, Text Header) and click the Add item button.
  3. For Scaled/Survey items
    1. Enter the Item Text (this is the question or statement that the evaluator will respond to)
    2. Select the Scale
    3. Select the Sharing level (private or public)
    4. Indicate if this is an Expert item
      1. If this is an expert item, enter the Expert Description (describes the appropriate usage of this item for template authors)
    5. Set Display Settings Hints (these optional settings allow the item author to provide hints as to how this item should be displayed)
      1. Select the Scale Display Setting
      2. Indicate if N/A will be an option
      3. Select Item Category
    6. Click the Save item button
  4. For Short Answer/Essay items
    1. Enter the Item Text (this is the question or statement that the evaluator will respond to)
    2. Select the Sharing level (private or public)
    3. Indicate if this is an Expert item
      1. If this is an expert item, enter the Expert Description (describes the appropriate usage of this item for template authors)
    4. Set Display Settings Hints (these optional settings allow the item author to provide hints as to how this item should be displayed)
      1. Select the Response size
      2. Indicate if N/A will be an option
      3. Select Item Category
    5. Click the Save item button
  5. For Text Header items
    1. Enter the Item Text (this is the question or statement that the evaluator will respond to)
    2. Select the Sharing level (private or public)
    3. Indicate if this is an Expert item
      1. If this is an expert item, enter the Expert Description (describes the appropriate usage of this item for template authors)
    4. Set Display Settings Hints (these optional settings allow the item author to provide hints as to how this item should be displayed)
      1. Indicate if N/A will be an option
      2. Select Item Category
    5. Click the Save item button

Creating templates

  1. Click Add Template
  2. Fill in the Title and Description of the template and select the Sharing level (private or public)
  3. Click the Save button.  You will now have the ability to add questions to the template.
  4. Select the type of item you'd like to add (Scaled/Survey, Short Answer/Essay, Text Header, Existing, Expert) and click the Add button.
  5. For Scaled/Survey, Short Answer/Essay and Text Header items see the Creating Items section above.
  6. For Existing items
    1. Select the items you wish to include in the template
    2. Click the Insert Items button
  7. For Expert items
    1. Click on the Category name you want to select from
    2. If available, choose the Objective you want to select from
    3. Select the items you wish to include in the template
    4. Click the Insert Items button
  8. Reordering items
    1. Click and drag:  Click on an item and drag it to the new location
    2. Drop-down box:  From the drop-down box, choose the new order for the item
  9. Creating blocks of items
    1. Select the items that you would like to have included in the block.  Note that all items need to have the same scale.  Once the first item is selected, all other items with the same scale will have an asterisk appear next to the checkbox for that item.
    2. Click the Create Block button
    3. Fill in the Item Header Text
    4. Indicate if N/A will be an option
    5. Indicate if Use Ideal Coloring will be used
    6. Select Item Category
    7. Click the Save item button

Creating evaluations


  1. Set the Start Date (Users may begin submitting evaluation responses on this date.)
  2. Set the Due Date (Evaluation ends on this date, no more responses after this date.)
  3. Set Stop Date (Users may still submit responses up until this date - defines a grace period).
  4. Set the View Date (Results are not viewable until this date.)


  1. Indicate if you want results to be Private


Include Page
Creating items
Creating items

Creating templates

Include Page
Creating templates
Creating templates

Add items to your template

Include Page
Add Items to Your Template
Add Items to Your Template

Creating evaluations

Include Page
Creating evaluations
Creating evaluations


  1. explain basic usage (create template, start eval, take evals, view results), details about setting up the permissions correctly in Sakai would be helpful, explanation of the summary (dahsboard) view
  2. how to create a template with details about various things like inserting expert items, reusing existing items, block items, etc.
  3. how to start evaluations with details about the start dates and the various options
  4. explanation of the email reminders and how they work
  5. ways to access an evaluation to take it (email links, summary page, category view, direct links)
  6. Viewing reports options with details on how to download csvs and view text responses