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Notes for Weekly OSP Conference Call on 2-6-2012

In attendance:
Reba-Anna Lee, Marist College
Chris Mauer, Indiana University
Dave McPherson, Virginia Tech
Nancy O'Laughlin,University of Delaware
Debbie Runshe, Indiana University   
Janice Smith, Three Canoes
Lynn Ward, Indiana University

1. Community Updates
    * Teaching and Learning (T&L) Group.
          o TWSIA Award
        + Draft Rubric
        + 2012 TWSIA Information - Maggie Ricci coordinating judge nominations.
        + Nominations for Final Portfolio Judge(s): Darren Cambridge (willing to be nominated), Marij Veugleurs, U of Amsterdam (yet to be asked); Anyone can volunteer to judge portfolio entries during first round of judging!
    * Portfolio Visioning.
          o Portfolio Visioning for Sakai OAE.
        + Debbie has put out Doodle to OSP Visioning community for collaborative conversations with the T & L Lenses group
        + Bruce D'arcus is open to joining the OAE Conversations T & L group he created in the OAE community
        + Lynn will follow up with communication to larger pedagogy and portfolio groups regarding the OAE Conversations
        + Lynn attended URG meeting and submitted OSP's user needs info for discussion; she has mapped our "scenarios" to the roadmap planning document
        + Janice described her work with Bowling Green University project in Canvas; she would like to share our work with this group; Nancy shared that Canvas was more showcase presentations but expanding and looking at cloud applications
        + University of Michigan has put out an RFI for portfolio applications; this sparked a conversation re: the challenges OSP has experienced with large applications/group use
          o Portfolio Reports.
        + Dave planning to continue working on this project, getting feedback from VT users, have not retrieved data at this point; has been submitted to trunk; Chris is also assisting
          o Portfolio Minispecs.
    * OSP Help - no additional information at this time.
          o Update documentation.
          o Accessing 2.6 Help
          o Completing 2.8 Help
          o Planning for 2.9 Help
    * Upgrading OSP pages on the Sakai Project website. - no additional information at this time.
          o Enhanced content and links to tool description and resources needed.
          o Link to OSP Community Directory.
    * Consider deprecating and/or removing from the tool list in the site.template.portfolio realm. - no additional information at this time.
          o Wizards tool
          o Design Your Own Portfolio function hidden.
          o Portfolio Layouts
          o Make sure that there is Help available to assist people in turning these features back on.
    * Back burner items for future discussion. - no additional information at this time.
          o Recruiting OSP resources for QA or other activities.
          o Planning for Sakai 2012 Conference. (Find or make OSP Community banner for Tech Demo.)
          o Discussion of ways to alert Sakai Foundation leaders of the need to persuade Sakai (portfolio-using) institutions to put more funding into java developers working with OSP. - not much momentum in new OSP community members.
          o Response to Ian Dolphin's request for feedback from the OSP Community
          o Possible occasional discussion of implementation, performance, and teaching and learning issues at our various institutions
