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The third type of wizard is a matrix wizard [Link to Matrices Tool Help]. Also called a matrix, this wizard presents forms and information in a set of rows and columns. You might create a matrix to track progress across different disciplines (using the rows of the matrix) that have similar milestones (using the columns of the matrix). Each cell in the matrix is a point at which you can track achievements, encourage reflection on how the disciplines mesh, offer formative feedback, and provide summative evaluation.


1. Analyze the activity or process that the wizard will support. Identify the type of wizard that will best support it (hierarchical or sequential). Alternatively, use the Matrices tool for a matrix wizard.
2. If you plan to create a hierarchical wizard, identify the categories and subcategories you will need. You may want to consider creating a category for each distinct path or grouping of activities. You may find it helpful to draw a high-level diagram of the wizard's organization.
3. Identify the pages you will need. You may want to consider creating a page for each step that requires different guidance, produces a different work product, or takes place at a different time.
4. Identify the content needed (instructions, files, forms, etc.) for each page and -- if the wizard contains more than one page -- for the wizard as a whole. You may find it helpful to draw a diagram showing the organization of the wizard's components.
5. If you plan to attach files to provide information to users of the wizard, create those files and store them in Resources.
6. Identify the points at which formative and summative feedback are needed. You may allow for feedback on the wizard as a whole or on a page-by-page basis. Before making decisions in this regard, think carefully about the load placed on reviewers (those who provide formative feedback) and evaluators (those who provide summative feedback). Also, keep in mind that after a page or a wizard has been submitted for evaluation, participants can no longer change it.
7. Identify people to provide formative and summative feedback. Be sure they have appropriate permissions. For more information on setting permissions for reviewers, see [link to Changing Permissions for the Wizards Tool].
8. If you plan to use forms for users to use in responding to instructions on a wizard page and/or for collecting comments from reviewers and evaluators, create those forms and store the .xsd files for them in Resources. Forms for collecting reflections, offering formative feedback, and providing summative evaluation, may be added to the wizard as a whole or to individual pages. Forms for participants to use in providing content for inclusion in a wizard can be added only to individual pages, not to the wizard as a whole.
9. Choose the style(s) you want to use in the wizard. In most cases, it is good practice to use a single style throughout a wizard. If you plan to use a style other than the default, store the .css file for it in Resources and use the Styles tool to create the style.


To build a matrix wizard, use the Matrices tool. For more information on this step, see [link to 2.6 Matrices Tool Help Documentation].

To build a sequential or hierarchical wizard, access the Wizards tool and follow these steps:


3. To save the information you have entered or attached, click Save. Sakai saves the information in the wizard and displays the Add Wizard, step 2, screen again. If you have entered text, that text is displayed in the appropriate part of the screen. If you have attached a file, its name is displayed.
4. To explain the purpose of the wizard to site participants, click Add Rationale. Sakai displays the Add Rationale screen. Except for its name, it is identical to the Guidance screen shown above. Proceed as instructed in steps 2 and 3.
5. To add examples to show users how to use the wizard, click Add Examples. Sakai displays the Add Example screen. Except for its name, it is identical to the Guidance screen shown above. Proceed as instructed in steps 2 and 3.
6. To add a form with which to collect participant reflections upon their work in the entire wizard, select the appropriate form from the Reflection pull-down list. The form you select must have already been created using the Forms tool and made available in this site. After you have selected the form, do not forget to click Add or the form you have selected will not be saved as a link to the page. You may add as many forms as you like to any page.
7. To add a form in which reviewers will provide formative feedback to participants on their work in the entire wizard, select the appropriate form from the Feedback pull-down list. The form you select must have already been created using the Forms tool and made available in this site.
8. To add a form in which reviewers will provide summative feedback to participants on their work in the entire wizard, select the appropriate form from the Evaluation pull-down list. The form you select must have already been created using the Forms tool and made available in this site. If you want participants to be able to modify their responses indefinitely, do not include an evaluation form and do not identify evaluators for the wizard. In the absence of evaluation form and evaluators to provide summative feedback, the wizard has no end point, so participants can return to it and change it as desired.
9. To select people to provide summative feedback, click Select Evaluators. Sakai displays the Select Evaluators screen. The window on the left side of the screen lists all roles defined for this site. Below the line, it also lists all site participants.
10. To select evaluators, click the names of roles and/or individuals and then click the Add button. The roles you have selected for evaluators must have permission to evaluate wizards. Furthermore, the individuals selected for evaluation must be assigned a role selected for evaluation in the site. If these conditions are not met, the selected users will not be able to view and evaluate wizards. For more information on setting permissions, see [link to Changing Permissions for the Wizards Tool]. To select more than one role or person at a time, hold the CTRL key down as you click. Sakai displays the names of the roles and/or people in the box on the right.
11. To remove any of these roles or people from the list of selected evaluators, click their names and click the Remove button.
12. When you have identified all roles and/or individual participants who will act as evaluators, click Finish. Sakai displays the Add Wizard, step 2, screen again. The screen shows the names of the roles and/or individuals you have selected as evaluators.
13. Choose one of the following options:


14. To add pages to this wizard, consult [link to Step 3: Adding Pages to a Sequential Wizard] or [link to Step 4: Adding Categories, Subcategories, and Pages to a Hierarchical Wizard].
15. To publish this wizard, see [link to Publishing a Wizard].

Step 3: Adding Pages to a Sequential Wizard


1. If the Wizards home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
2. Find the wizard you want to change and click the Edit link beneath its name. Sakai displays the Edit Wizard, Step 1 screen. Except for its name, this screen looks like the Add Wizard, Step 1 screen.
3. Referring to the instructions given in Step 1: Creating the Wizard, steps 5 - 7, change entries as appropriate.
4. If you click Continue, Sakai displays the Revise Wizard, Step 2, screen. Except for its name, this screen is identical to the Add Wizard, Step 2 screen.
5. Referring to the instructions in [link to Step 2: Adding Wizard Support], change entries, as appropriate. If you click Continue, Sakai displays the Revise Wizard, Step 3, screen. This screen varies, depending on whether you are revising a sequential or hierarchical wizard. Note that categories and pages are identified by different icons:


  • To add pages to a sequential wizard, see [link to Step 3: Adding Pages to a Sequential Wizard].
  • To add categories and/or pages to a hierarchical wizard, see [link to Step 4: Adding Categories, Subcategories, and Pages to a Hierarchical Wizard].
  • To change, delete, or move a category or page, see the subsections that follow.


1. On the Add Wizard, Step 3, screen, find the category you want to change and click the Revise link below its name. Sakai displays the Revise Wizard Category screen. Except for its name, it is identical to the Add Wizard Category screen.
2. Referring to the instructions given in [link to Adding Categories], steps 2 - 5, make changes as needed.
