- Several critical accessibility JIRAs have been resolved for the Samigo Tests & Quizzes tool and need verified with Mary
- SAM-1295 - Multiple choice questions in Samigo are not very accessible
- SAM-12799 - Hide Division Feature Is Not Accessible
- SAM-1228 (w/subtasks) - Remove onkeypress handlers from links and form controls
- SAM-1232 - Many Question Types Marked-Up Entirely As a Level 5 Heading
- SAM-1231 - Tabbing off of the "What's This?" link generates a HTTP Status 404 Error Message to appear
- SAM-1229 - Username and Password Input fields not labeled on Begin Assessment Page still needs a solution
- SAM-1296 - The 5 Minute Warning Modal jQuery Dialog Message Is Not Accessible (no fix yet)
- SAK-12189 - Accessibility: Chat Edit options text not associated with radio buttons
- Implicit labeling of radio buttons is o longer an issue for JAWS 12 + IE.
- Since most universities will have the latest version of JAWS, this is no longer be an issue, or at least not as high of a priority.
- SAK-19041 is a color contrast compliance issue that is no longer relevant since highlight class (tool_base.css) currently meets WCAG 2.0 AA contrast requirements. However, suggested colors have been provided that would reach AAA requirements with only a slight change in color.
- SAK-20647 seems to be resolved.
- SAK-11199 Fix identified – needs implemented before 2.9 QA Servers get built
- SAK-20401 is a duplicate of 20631//jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/
- SAK-20631 has been worked on, but more work needs done.
- Regarding Sak-11653 all occurrences need to be found, and subtasks entered and resolved before 2.9 QA Servers get built.
- SAK-11680 has not yet been resolved.
- Tried various means of hiding the flash object using CSS and ARIA. Since existing fix didn’t hide the flash object from the screen-reader, other solutions were sought but failed to produce the desired effect.
- Joe suggested using wmode parameter on the flash movie itself, and he will look into that
- MSGCNTR-30 is not resolved because of not enough rights to re-open and fix the issues. A comment has been added asking for the rights.
- MSGCNTR-31 has been verified and is ready to be closed.
- [MSGCNTR-36|https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/MSGCNTR-36= remains unresolved/open because Joe decided that the patch’s changes should be reverted.