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5. Revise Citation List Page

51. Sorting

1.1 Verify that you can reach the "Revise Edit Citation List" page


Conduct a search, add a few citations and click on the "Revise Edit Citation List" button. The page should refresh to the "Revise Edit Citation List" page.












51.2 Verify that you can properly view inline citations


The following format should be followed (it is in Journal Article form; similar fields apply to other Citation Types):

Author 1; Author 2; and Author 3. Journal Title, Vol(Iss) Date. Pages.
Custom Link 1 Label | Custom Link 2 Label | view citation | revise | remove

Note that if a citation does not have a certain field (such as Pages, for example) it will not appear in the inline display.












51.3 Verify that you can Select All/Select None 5the citations are sorted by the default of Title

1.3.1 Click on the "select all" action link. Each citation should have the checkbox checked and highlighted.

Verify that the Citation List is sorted by Title.







Click the "Back to Search Results" button. Add a few more citations and click on the "select none" action link. Each citation should have the checkbox empty and not highlightedEdit Citation List" button. The page should refresh to the "Edit Citation List" page. Verify that the Citation List is still sorted by Title.












51.4 Verify that you can access the read-only View of a citation 5sort the Citation List

1.4.1 Click on the

"view citation" action link underneath a citation (you should have a number of citations from searching library resources). You should see a read-only view of the citation. Verify that all metadata for the citation is appearing in the read-only view. Do this for all the citations in your Citation List Use the "Sort By" drop-down menu to sort the Citation List by "First Author". The page should refresh to show the Citation List sorted by First Author.







Use the "Sort By" drop-down menu to sort the Citation List by "Published Year". The page should refresh to show the Citation List sorted by Published Year.







Use the "Sort By" drop-down menu to sort the list by "Title". The page should refresh to show the Citation List sorted by Title.












51.5 Verify that you can Revise a citation 5sort the Citation List without saving the sort order

1.5.1 Click

on Use the "revise" action link underneath a citation (you should have a number of citations from searching library resources). You should see an editable view of the citation. Verify that all the metadata for the citation is appearing in this view. Once finished examining the citation, hit the "Cancel Changes" button and you should return to the Review Citation List page. Do this for all the citations in your Citation List. Sort By" drop-down menu to sort the Citation List by "First Author". The page should refresh to show the Citation List sorted by First Author.







Click on the "revise" action link underneath a citation (you should have a number of citations from searching library resources). Change the type of the citation. Various field labels will change according to the Citation Type you choose. Verify that these mappings make sense. Click to "Save Changes" to the edited citation and then view the citation in read-only mode to verify that your changes were saved. Do this for all citations in your Citation List. Finish" button. The page should refresh to the "Add Citation List" page.







Enter a title for your Citation List and click the "Finish" button. The page should refresh to show the "Resources" page.







Click on From the "revise" action link underneath a citation (you should have a number of citations from searching library resources). Change the value of various metadata fields and "Save Changes" to the citation. View the citation in read-only mode to verify that your changes were saved. Do this for all citations in your Citation List. Resources" page, click on the title of the Citation List. A read-only view of the selected Citation List should appear in a new window. Verify that the Citation List is sorted by Title (not by First Author). Close out the window.












51.6 Verify that you can Remove a citation 5save the sort order of a new Citation List


Click Conduct a search, add a few citations and click on the "remove" action link underneath a citation (you should have a number of citations from searching library resources). The citation should be removed from the Citation List and the order of the citations should be unchangedRevise Citation List" button. The page should refresh to the "Revise Citation List" page.







Select one citation to remove and under Citation Actions select "Remove Selected Use the "Sort By" drop-down menu to sort the list by "First Author". The citation should not appear in page should refresh to show the Citation List anymore and the Citation List order should remain unchangedsorted by First Author. Click the "Save Sort" button.







Select multiple citations and under Citation Actions select "Remove Selected". The citations should not appear in the Citation List anymore and the Citation List order should remain unchanged Click the "Finish" button. The page should refresh to the "Add Citation List" page.







Under Citation Actions, select "Remove Entire List". The Citation List should appear empty Enter a title for your Citation List and click the "Finish" button. The page should refresh to show the "Resources" page.












5.7 Verify that you get an SFX Menu when clicking on the citation title


Click 1.6.5

From the "Resources" page, click on the title of a citaion. This should cause another window to open with an SFX Menu in itthe new Citation List. A read-only view of the selected Citation List should appear in a new window. Verify that the metadata SFX is displaying (Journal Title, Volume, Issue, etc.) matches that of the citation you clicked. The SFX Menu may not display all the metadata that we know about, but it should not miss metadata that we do have (i.e. we have a Volume number, but SFX is showing a null Volume number). Do this for all citations in your Citation List. Citation List is sorted by First Author (not Title). Close out the window.












51.87 Verify that you can Export citations


Select one citation to export and under Citation Actions select "Export Selected". You should be prompted to download a file called, 'citations.RIS'. Save this file and open it in a text editor. You should see all the same metadata that you see in the Citation read-only view, but labelled with RIS tags instead of our labelssort an existing Citation List


From the Resources page, under "Actions" for an existing Citation List, select "Revise Citation List". The page should refresh to show the "Revise Citation List" page.







Select multiple citations and under Citation Actions select "Export Selected". You should be prompted to download a file called, 'citations.RIS'. Save this file and open it in a text editor. You should see each selected citation's metadata appended one after another. This should be the same metadata that you see in the citations' read-only view, but labelled with RIS tags instead of our labels.







Under Citation Actions, select "Export Entire List". You should be prompted to download a file called, 'citations.RIS'. Save this file and open it in a text editor. You should see each selected citation's metadata appended one after another. This should be the same metadata that you see in the citations' read-only view, but labelled with RIS tags instead of our labels Use the "Sort By" drop-down menu to sort the list by "First Author" (or another sort order by which the current Citation List is not sorted by). The page should refresh to show the Citation List sorted by First Author (or sort order that you selected).












51.98 Verify that you can get Back to Search Results 5.9save the sort order of an existing Citation List


Click on the "Back to Search Results" button From the Resources page, under "Actions" for an existing Citation List, select "Revise Citation List". The page should refresh to show the "Search Library ResourcesRevise Citation List" page.












5.10 Verify that you can get add more citations to the Citation List


Click on the "Back to Search Results" button1.8.2

Use the "Sort By" drop-down menu to sort the list by "Published Year" (or another sort order by which the current Citation List is not sorted by). The page should refresh to the "Search Library Resources" page. Add more citations to your Citation Listshow the Citation List sorted by Published Year. Click the "Revise Citation List" button and verify that the new citations show up on the "Revise Citation List" pageSave Sort" button.












5.11 Verify that you can Cancel the Citation List


Click on the "Cancel Citation 1.8.3

Click the "Done Revising List" button. The page should refresh to show the "Resources" page.












5.12 Verify that you can reach the "Add Citation List" page.


Click on the "Finish" button. The page should refresh to the "Add Citation List" page1.8.4

From the "Resources" page, click on the title of the new Citation List. A read-only view of the selected Citation List should appear in a new window. Verify that the Citation List is sorted by Published Year (or sort order that you saved). Close out the window.