kernel trunk r57527 r58788 (1.1-SNAPSHOT refresh)
kernel-1.0.x r57597 r59092 (1.0.4, 1.0.45-SNAPSHOT)
sakai-2.6.x r57646 (testing against)kernel-1.0.4 tag (r57597)
Current versions
Tag: 1.0.23
Branch: 1.0.4-SNAPSHOT
Trunk 1.1-SNAPSHOT
New versions
Tag: 1.0.4
Branch: 1.0.45-SNAPSHOT
Trunk 1.1-SNAPSHOT
Testing exceptions
When testing before generating the release, make sure you change the hard-coded kernel dependencies to <version>1.0.4-SNAPSHOT</version> in /master/pom.xml and None. sakai.kernel.version property added to gradebook/app/standalone-app/pom.xml. This will need to be updated to 1.0.4 in the 2.6.x branch after the release along with the /master/pom.xml . The old sections integration-support 1.0RC2 dependency is fixed and needs to be merged to 2.6.x
No Format |
<!-- This should be part of the test framework -->
now binds to sakai-kernel-impl properly
Performing the release
Copy Maven2 /kernel locally
#set the released version to 1.0.4
#set the tag to kernel-1.0.4
#set the the new version to 1.0.45-SNAPSHOT
Should the build fail rerun the following mvn goals to restart the build:
The release plugin will generate a 1.0.4 tag. Check it out and make sure it works.
Refresh Maven Repo with 1.0.4, 1.0.
5-SNAPSHOT and 1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts
Each new release will require placement of corresponding kernel artifacts in the Maven2 repo.
sudo chown -R apache:apache kernel
Jira Kernel project
Set 1.0.4 version to released; add 1.0.5 (tentative).
Jira Release Mgmt project
Update home page and Kernel page.
Maven Release Plugin
Maven mini-guide