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h2. Integrating a CalDAV Calendar Server into OAE

|| Type | Presentation ||
|| Presenters | Chris Tweney (University of California Berkeley) ||
|| Date | Tuesday, June 14, 2-11 \\ ||
|| Time | 2:30-3:30pm ||
|| Room | San Gabriel A \\ ||

h2. Description


In this session I'll share my experience integrating Bedework, a CalDAV calendar server, into the Berkeley version of the Sakai OAE. Users can see their calendars inside OAE or in the CalDAV client of their choice (e.g. Apple iCal). The presentation will go into heavy technical detail on the iCalendar data specification, CalDAV, WebDAV, and related protocols. I'll also focus on how to use JUnit to write integration tests that help you learn and exercise complex functionality in external systems, one tiny feature at a time. Audience members should have some background in Java programming and XML.

h2. Session Materials and Links

* The codeCode discussed in the demo is here:&nbsp;[]
* Architecture sketch of MyBerkeley's CalDAV integration: []
* Old Sakai 2 CalDAV page, still useful for background: ['s+Guide]
* Introducing CalDAV Part I: []
* Introducing CalDAV Part II: []
* {html}<div style="width:425px" id="__ss_8308753"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="Integrating Bedework, a CalDAV Calendar Server, into OAE">Integrating Bedework, a CalDAV Calendar Server, into OAE</a></strong> <iframe src="" width="425" height="355" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more <a href="">presentations</a> from <a href="">ctweney</a> </div> </div>{html}

h2. Attendees

Sign-up if you're planning or have attended this session.

* Name, Institution, email

h2. Follow-Up Notes