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Use this 2.5 version of the Wizards tool Help file to make changes for 2.6. Confluence will track your changes for subsequent review.Wizards: Overview

Wizards are customized collections of informational screens and forms that provide structure and guidance for a wide variety of activities and processes.


  • Enter text directly into the text box on the screen. Use the icons and pulldown pull-down lists to format the text as appropriate.
  • Attach a file by clicking Select Items. To do so, follow the instructions given for selecting an item. After you click Finish, Sakai displays the Guidance screen again.

3. To save the information you have entered or attached, click Save. Sakai saves the information in the wizard and displays the Add Wizard, step 2, screen again. If you have entered text, that text is displayed in the appropriate part of the screen. If you have attached a file, its name is displayed.
4. To explain the purpose of the wizard to site participants, click Add Rationale. Sakai displays the Add Rationale screen. Except for its name, it is identical to the Guidance screen shown above. Proceed as instructed in steps 2 and 3.
5. To add examples to show users how to use the wizard, click Add Examples. Sakai displays the Add Example screen. Except for its name, it is identical to the Guidance screen shown above. Proceed as instructed in steps 2 and 3.
6. To add a form with which to collect participant reflections upon their work in the wizard, select the appropriate form from the Reflection pulldown pull-down list.
7. To add a form in which reviewers will provide formative feedback to participants, select the appropriate form from the Feedback pulldown pull-down list.
8. To add a form in which reviewers will provide summative feedback to participants, select the appropriate form from the Evaluation pulldown pull-down list. If you want participants to be able to modify their responses indefinitely, do not include an evaluation form and do not identify evaluators for the wizard. In the absence of evaluation form and an evaluator to provide summative feedback, the wizard has no end point, so participants can return to it and change it as desired.
9. To select people to provide summative feedback, click Select Evaluators. Sakai displays the Select Evaluators screen. The window on the left side of the screen lists all roles defined for this site. Below the line, it also lists all site participants.
10. To select evaluators, click the names of roles and/or individuals and then click the Add button. The roles you have selected for evaluators must have permission to evaluate wizards. Furthermore, the individuals selected for evaluation must be assigned a role selected for evaluation in the site. If these conditions are not met, the selected users will not be able to view and evaluate wizards. For more information on setting permissions, "Changing Permissions for the Wizards Tool". To select more than one role or person at a time, hold the CTRL key down as you click. Sakai displays the names of the roles and/or people in the box on the right.
11. To remove any of these roles or people from the list of selected evaluators, click their names and click the Remove button.
12. When you have identified all roles and/or individual participants who will act as evaluators, click Finish. Sakai displays the Add Wizard, step 2, screen again. The screen shows the names of the roles and/or individuals you have selected as evaluators.
13. Choose one of the following options:


1. Click the Add button on the menu bar. Sakai displays the Revise Wizard Page Settings screen. This screen looks like a combination of the Add Wizard, step 1, and the Add Wizard, step 2, screen. Just as those screens provided all the boxes, pulldown pull-down lists, and access to files and forms that you needed for the wizard as a whole, this screen provides the boxes you need to define a single page in the wizard. This screen contains one new box, which is a pulldown pull-down list for adding forms for site participants to use in completing this page of the wizard.
2. Referring to the instructions given in "Step 1: Creating the Wizard" and "Step 2: Adding Wizard Support" , provide the information and materials that participants, reviewers, and wizard evaluators need for this page.
3. To select forms for participants to complete, select a form from the Forms pulldown pull-down list and click Add. Sakai displays the name of the form you have added. Repeat this step to select the other forms you need.
4. After entering information, attaching forms and files, and identifying evaluators as needed, click Save Changes. Sakai displays the Add Wizard, step 3, screen. The page you have added is listed on this screen. Or, to return to this screen without adding the page to the wizard, click Cancel.
5. To add another page, repeat steps 1- 4.
6. After adding as the pages you need, click Finish. Sakai displays the Wizards home page. Or, to return to the Add Wizard, step 2, screen, click Back. To return to the Wizards home page without adding this wizard page, click Cancel.


1. Depending on where you want to add a page, click the Add Page link for the wizard itself or any category or subcategory in the wizard. Sakai displays the Revise Wizard Page Settings
2. Referring to the instructions given in "Step 1: Creating the Wizard" and "Step 2: Adding Wizard Support", provide the information and materials that participants, reviewers, and wizard evaluators need for this page.
3. To select forms for participants to complete, select a form from the Forms pulldown pull-down list and click Add. Sakai displays the name of the form you have added. Repeat this step to select the other forms you need.
4. After entering information, attaching forms and files, and identifying evaluators as needed, click Save Changes. Sakai displays the Add Wizard, step 3, screen. The page you have added is listed on this screen. Or, to return to this screen without adding the page to the wizard, click Cancel.
5. After adding as the pages you need, click Finish. Sakai displays the Wizards home page. Or, to return to the Add Wizard, step 2, screen, click Back. To return to the Wizards home page without adding this wizard, click Cancel.
6. After entering information, attaching forms and files, and identifying evaluators as needed, click Save Changes. Sakai displays the Add Wizard, step 3, screen. The page you have added is listed on this screen. Or, to return to this screen without adding the page to the wizard, click Cancel.
7. To add another page to the wizard, repeat steps 1 - 6.


1. On the Add Wizard, Step 3, screen, find the page you want to change and click the Revise link below its name. Sakai displays the Revise Wizard Page Settings screen (see page 1).
2. Referring to the instructions given in "Step 1: Creating the Wizard" beginning with step 5, and "Step 2: Adding Wizard Support", make changes as needed.
3. To select forms for participants to complete, select a form from the Forms pulldown pull-down list and click Add. Sakai displays the name of the form you have added. Repeat this step to select the other forms you need.
4. After entering information, attaching forms and files, and identifying evaluators as needed, click Save Changes. Sakai displays the Add Wizard, step 3, screen. The page you have added is listed on this screen. Or, to return to this screen without adding the page to the wizard, click Cancel.


1. If the Wizards home page is not displayed, click the Reset button.
2. Use the dropdown drop-down list to select the name of the person whose wizard you want to review.
3. Click Go. Sakai displays a list of wizards for the user you specified.
4. Find the wizard you want to review and click its name. Sakai displays the introductory page of that wizard.
5. Review the introductory page and then click Continue. Sakai displays the first page of the wizard. If this is not the page you want to work with, click Continue until you reach the appropriate page.
6. To review an attached item on any page, click its name.
7. To enter feedback, click the Add Feedback link in the "Feedback" section at the bottom of the page. Sakai displays a screen containing a feedback form.
8. Enter information in the fields, as appropriate. Caution: The Access section of the screen allows you to make your feedback public to people other than the participant whose work you are reviewing. As a general rule, we advise against making feedback public in any way. To keep your feedback between you and the participant, do not click either radio button in this section.
9. To add your feedback, click Add. Sakai displays the wizard page again. The title of your feedback is shown in the Feedback section of the screen.
10. Choose from among these options:
