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Integration of SCORM Cloud, the hosted SCORM player from [Rustici Software|]

h3. About the Player

The SCORM Cloud player quickly and easily adds SCORM to a Sakai installation. It gives you compatibility with SCORM 2004, SCORM 1.2 and AICC in about five minutes by adding a new Resource Type to your system. Just added as a feature of SCORM Cloud is a new reporting tool that lets you dig deep to see what your users are doing within a course.

Courses installed with the SCORM Cloud player are hosted in the cloud, ready to be called whenever you need them. There are monthly charges for hosting, but a [free trial account|] is available so you can play with SCORM Cloud to see how it works with your courses and system. Trial is based on number of registrations, so you can technically run a trial forever. (OK, a while. There are limits.)

Currently available for versions [2.5.x|] and [2.6.x|].

Always happy to answer any questions about SCORM Cloud here or over in our [support forum|].

h3. Videos

_Installation & Configuration_


_Import & Launch (Including Gradebook Integration)_


_Reporting Features_


h3. Screenshots


h3. Installation

Install of the SCORM Cloud module should only take about five minutes. It involves copy and paste of three sets of files, registering your account and that's about it.
* Download and extract the .zip file (either version [2.5.x|] or [2.6.x|]).
* Copy the scormcloud-pack folder into the components folder in your Sakai installation.
* Copy the scormcloud-api-0.8.jar into the shared folder of your Sakai installation. (The number is the version number, so that changes.)
* Copy the scormcloud-tool.war folder into the webapps folder of your Sakai installation.
* Restart your Sakai, then log in and go to the administration workspace.
* Create a new worksite and select SCORM Cloud on the list of tools for the site.
* Go to your new worksite and click SCORM Cloud in the left-side navigation menu.
* Click configure plug-in on the welcome screen.
* Add your SCORM Cloud account information (link to sign up if haven't yet) that came in your welcome email or click the link within the mod to sign up for a free trial account.
* You should see SCORM Cloud available as a new Resource Type\!

h3. *Source Installation*

* Download and extract the source .zip file (either for [2.5.x|] or [2.6.x|]) in your Sakai working directory, in the standard contrib way
* OR check out from contrib subversion (svn co [] scorm-cloud) for 2.5.x or (svn co [] scorm-cloud) for 2.6.x
* To build and install, just run maven from within the scorm-cloud module (mvn install sakai:deploy)

h3. *Configuration*

Once you've added the plugin to a particular site, there are two main steps                              to configure it. The first is ensuring that                             the right Sakai roles have the correct permissions for using the plugin, and                             the second is entering the some information related to the SCORM Cloud service.

Setting permissions for various tools is a typical Sakai administration task, and                             the permissions associated with the SCORM Cloud plugin are no different, so we                             won't go into detail about how to set permissions, but we'll instead note the                              permissions that are unique to the plugin below.
* *scormcloud.admin*:                                         Any role with this security permission will be allowed to do nearly                                         any activity with the plugin, such as creating, configuring, previewing,                                         and deleting SCORM resources, as well as viewing and utilizing the                                         interface found in the SCORM Cloud tool that will be linked to from                                         the tool menu after installation. This role is intended for only                                         site administrators (teachers and teacher assistants).
* *scormcloud.configure*:                                         This is essentially the one separate permission from those granted by                                         scormcloud.admin listed above. This permission must be granted in order                                          to view and update the credentials used for the SCORM Cloud service.                                         Typically, if those credentials will be installation-wide (used for all                                         sites), a Sakai administrator will set them after installation and                                         will have no need to grant this permission to any role. However,                                         if credentials will be site-specific and not installation wide,                                         an administrator will need to grant this permission to whatever role                                         should be allowed to set those credentials for a given site. !sakai-permissions.png|thumbnail,align=left!\\