Sakai 10 Test PlanWe want to touch as many tools as possible, so that every tool gets at least a basic workout, and we want to verify as many JIRA issues which have been merged into Sakai 10 already. The spreadsheet is organized by Tool with an area for Regression testing and an area for JIRA testing on the same sheet. In many cases, you will see "DIY" testing in the Regression area. DIY means do-it-yourself. Test a tool with which you are familiar. Try to break it! Open a JIRA for each issue you find. Add the issue as a link to Jira Legacy |
server | Sakai |
columns | key,summary,type,created,updated,due,assignee,reporter,priority,status,resolution |
serverId | 66e9c5b5-d22c-30a2-a9d4-703f4354570c |
key | SAK-25466 |
| , which we will use to track the issues from this round of QA testing and triage them. If you can create a list of features you have tested within a tool, please consider sharing with the Sakai Community Coordinator, who can clean up your list, if necessary, and make available to the community for future rounds of testing. |