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  • /wiki/spaces/SLIB/pages/2921169097 - this meeting was held on 4 Jan 2007. Topics such as Resources workflow in Sakai 2.4, the Citation List creation process, and the search process were discussed.

Usability Testing Recommendations

The following recommendations are derived from the Sakaibrary Usability Testing Report. Refer to this document for full details on issues and recommendations, they are only paraphrased below.



Implementation Options

Confusion with the process of adding an item

Provide online help, change "Add" link & button to "Add Item"

In Sakai 2.4, the process for adding a resource will be changed (see Resources, UI changes to support resource type registry). Control of buttons on resource content pages will be under the control of the resource itself as opposed to the Resources tool - Mark's page-by-page process button label

Title and Description field

Adding more to "Title" and "Description" labels making clear what it is they are describing

In Sakai 2.4, these details will be moved to the end of the resource addition process (see Resources, UI changes to support resource type registry), causing no ambiguity when the user first sees the Citation List Editor.

Confusion with the pull-down menu

Changing labels, adding brief help on item types, adding explanatory text for item types

In Sakai 2.4, the process for adding a resource will be changed (see Resources, UI changes to support resource type registry).

Understanding the concept of "Add Item - Citation List"

Add instructional headings, maintain scroll positioning of a page when refreshing

Create a tabbed interface where search results and citation list editing are side-by-side and notify users of added citations and citation editing ability - see Search Results & Citation Editing tabs mockup.

Export Option and Check boxes

Use a button instead of link, move button closer to list

Have a listing of actions to perform on selected citations - see Citation List Editor mockup.

Citation List Order

fix stability bug, allow for user re-ordering

Resources currently allows the re-ordering of a list of resources - see attached Resource reordering screenshot.

Search Set/Category selection

integrate online help, integrate subject category selection

  • Have a "don't know which category is best?" (or similar) link to a page describing the various databases and categories.
  • For subject category integration/selection, the Xerxes Project provides a page-by-page approach - see attached front page and subject category screenshots.

Search vocabulary

add more description in an advanced search, provide examples under the search text box

Have hints for search fields - see search interface mockup.

Next page/show # items per page

move the "Viewing 1-10 of 233" label closer to search results, include paging controls at the bottom of the search results.

See search results mockup.

Search Results - Additional info

make the abstract and additional information available by clicking on citation title

View search results mockup and click on record 3, "The gospel according to The Beatles"

Search Results - Sorting

give options for sorting or convey to the user the method of sorting

This can be done for fully-merged search results (i.e. Xerxes' "Top Results")

Search Results - Full-text option

provide a "full-text only" filter for search results

no mockup or references at this point, but possible using SFX API

Search Results - miscellaneous

add a "Cancel Search" button, number search results

See search results mockup.

Citation Editing Field Labels

clarify fields with help links, have more pertinent fields at the top of the page (journal title, author, volume, issue, pages, etc.) with more esoteric labels towards the bottom or under an "Advanced Properties" feature.

no mockup or references at this point though the functionality of "Advanced Properties" would be like "Optional Properties" for resources in Sakai 2.3.

Read only view - clicking on the title of a citation

open citation details in a new window, only color the clicked citation to "visited"

We could use the same floating div idea from the Citation Editing tab (click the Citation Editing tab, click "The gospel according to The Beatles") for the read-only view.

Read only view - style formats

provide a way to display citations in MLA/APA/etc.

no mockup or references yet, though this could be something added to actions that can be performed on selected citations (along with Export, etc.).

The term "Citation List"

many options

no mockups or references yet

UI options for Sakai 2.4 priorities

(these priority areas for the Sakai 2.4 time frame are as of 6 Jan 2007)

The following UI issues and implementation options are in regards to Sakai 2.4 priorities that are not covered in the Usability Testing Recommendations above.


Implementation Options

Google Scholar Integration

no mockups or references yet

Advanced/fielded search

see search interface mockup

Search target configuration and selection

see Xerxes screenshots