Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is an open forum to discuss the implications of a move from Gradebook2 to GradebookNG (result of the Gradebook Enhacements Project). If your institution is currently using Gradebook2, we encourage you to join the discussion and share your thoughts and concerns about the risks/advantages of switching to the new redesigned Gradebook.

Folks from Universidad de Murcia (Spain) and Texas State University (USA) organized an online BoF to start the discussion. If you could not attend, don't worry, it was recorded (available soon) and there is plenty of information for you to check afterwards.

BoF: Migrating from Gradebook2 to the new GradebookNG for Sakai 11 - JULY, 29th - 9am-10am EST

Link to the Meeting notes

Next BoF: September-October?

Institutions using GB2

From the: Sakai Showcase Webinar: The Gradebook Enhancement Project


Outdated list of institutions using Gradebook2 -  (Needs to be updated)

Sakai Tools Survey 2014 results:

Institutions considering migrating

  • Universidad de Murcia

  • Texas State University

  • Surely most of the Scriba institutions...

  • ...

Gap analysis between GradeBook2 and GradeBook


 GB1 [11.x]GB2 [1.9.2]GB NGRelated JIRA
Weighted itemsNYN 
Able to include an item in the final grade if such item is not visible to studentsNYN 
Option to choose if grades are re-escaled when Gradebook Item Point Value is changedNY  
Student section awareness for items created from external toolsYN  
Export the final course grades in PDF formatYN  
Export the student's final points summationYN  
Export the student grades to PDF formatYN  
Loading DockYN  
Import/Export the full Gradebook Structure (categories, weights)NY  
Import more than one grade itemNY  
Import the "Gradebook Item Point Value"NY  
Allow the category weights summation be different from 100%NY  
Average course grade, Student final point summation, Category class
average, Grade item class average, Student category average
Possibility to discard the highest grades or keep the highest grades in the CategoryYN  
Number of clicks to remove a Grade item42  
Set Ungraded Items to Zero: set all gradebook items included in the final grade to 0YN  
Give ungraded no credit: set only one grade item to 0NY  
Revert the action of setting grade items to 0NY  
History log. Register events related to: grade items, categories or gradebookNY  
Excel entry mode to input gradesNY  
Sort categoriesNY  


Queries results - data analysis about GradeBook2 usage

Former user (Deleted) shared the following queries that can help to understand Gradebook2 usage at your institution:

You could share the results of those queries in the following page.

What features could be added to Gradebook to close the gap

  • Weighted items within a category
  • ...

Making GradeBook2 functional in Sakai 11 (getting it working with Morpheus...)

Portal handlers are not processing GB2 content properly, maybe it could be fixed but I don’t know how, so far. After achieving GB2 iframeless ready, other problems will come out, mixing GWT javascript with common portal javascript could cause problems, nothing tested, so far.


version Gradebook2 1.8.1 working in the latest version of Sakai Trunk.

Documentation to help users transition from GradeBook2 to GradeBook

  • Please, add useful links or material here...