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You are invited to attend a Gradebook Summit Meeting on Feb. 23, 2007 from 9am to 5:30pm at the University of California's Berkeley campus. Please email Mara Hancock ( if you will be driving to the campus since you will need a parking pass.

The purpose of this meeting is to consider the state of the Sakai Gradebook Tool and discuss the coordination of future development. Requirements have been submitted, collected, merged, and prioritized at The following agenda is proposed:

9:00am Convene, Introductions
9:30am Review GB work to date (30 mins)
10:00pm Short term projects: 2.4 closure, weights/categories (30 mins)
10:30am Break
10:45am Governance - GB Coordination Project (30 mins)
11:15am Governance - Requirements and development process (75 mins)
12:30nn Lunch - compliments of Thomson Learning (60 mins)
1:30pm Governance - Group and project formation (120 mins)
3:30pm Break
3:45pm Mid-term projects: GB service review, new features, etc. (45 mins)
4:30pm Summarize action plans, other meetings, etc. (60 mins)
5:30pm End

Some questions which we will consider include:

Should we separate the Gradebook UI from unlying services?
Should we consider multiple front ends with different UI layout?
How shall we resolve conflicting requirements?
How will Sakai coordinate future development on GB?
What is the mid-term roadmap for GB?
Who should manage the GB requirements?

If you have other issues or topics to be discussed, please send them back to me and I'll add them to the agenda.

  • Mark Norton