Lead: ~steve.swinsburg Committers: ~dbr, ~a.fish@lancaster.ac.uk Include Page |
| PROFILE:Profile2-Description |
| PROFILE:Profile2-Description |
Include Page |
| PROFILE:Profile2-Releases |
| PROFILE:Profile2-Releases |
Info |
title | Want to try it out first? |
| Profile2 is included the default Profile in the Sakai 2.7 .0 release of Sakaiand up, but you can also try it out now on the following servers: Both are hosted by the Sakai Foundation and are reset every 4 hours and 2.30am respectively, Eastern US time. |
Version compatibility Include Page |
| PROFILE:Profile2 - Version Compatibility |
| PROFILE:Profile2 - Version Compatibility |
How to get itCheck one of the following Installation Guides that is appropriate for your particular version of Sakai. This will walk you through getting the Profile2 source code and its dependencies, and then building it. Building Profile2 on Sakai 2.4.x Building Profile2 on Sakai 2.5.x Building Profile2 on Sakai 2.6.x Building Profile2 on Sakai trunk Once you've built Profile2, continue on with the section below. Upgrading from an older version?You must make sure that you perform any necessary database conversion BEFORE you start Profile2, or you may run into problems later. Run the appropriate database conversion sql script found at: PROFILE2-SRC/docs/database/<your db vendor>/ Also double check that you have removed the older version from Tomcat. Generally you only need to check TOMCAT/shared/lib to make sure that there are no suplicates of the profile2-api jars. Only the latest one should be in there. The other artifacts that are deployed to 'components' and 'webapps' should be updated automatically and no duplicates should exist. Startup/Database SetupStartup Sakai with auto.ddl=true in your Sakai properties as various new tables need to be created. If you cannot startup with this setting enabled, you will need to manually run the DB scripts located at: PROFILE2-SRC/docs/database/<your db vendor>/ If you are creating the database tables for the first time, you want the appropriate profile2-ddl-....sql* (not the upgrades) for your version of Profile2. Note |
title | Setting up Profile2 on MySQL? |
| Even if you are using auto.ddl=true for your database creation you should run the index-only sql scripts to generate the indexes on the various tables that Profile2 creates. Hibernate doesn't respect the index settings in the configuration files for MySQL, so the indexes aren't created. The index scripts are in the same directory as the creation/upgrade scripts above. |
Once you've started up Sakai you'll be able to add the new Profile2 tool to My Workspace sites. IMPORTANT See below for the sakai.properties you can use to configure Profile2 on a global level as well as the additional JAVA_OPTS you might need if you are behind a firewall/proxy. Include Page |
| PROFILE:Profile2-Settings |
| PROFILE:Profile2-Settings |
Profile2 has a built-in Twitter integration for status updates. This is configurable by each user in their Preferences page of their Profile (not to be confused with the main Account Preferences). Once a user has linked their Twitter account, status updates will then update Twitter. Administrators can control this globally by adjusting the profile2.integration.twitter.enabled sakai property. SettingsIf you are behind a proxy or web cache, you will need to add these settings to your JAVA_OPTS to allow Profile2 to send status updates to Twitter: Code Block |
-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.host.ac.uk -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080
-Dhttp.proxyUser=someUserName -Dhttp.proxyPassword=somePassword
NOTE: http.proxyUser and http.proxyPassword are only required if you need to authenticate to your proxy. By default, Twitter updates will appear to come from Profile2 (as Profile2 is a registered Twitter application). If you want updates to come from a different 'source', you need to register an application with Twitter and provide the settings to Profile2. Fill out this form: http://twitter.com/oauth_clients/new Be sure to choose 'client' as the Application type, NOT 'browser'. When user's link their account they will be prompted to enter a code into Profile2, that will then be verified and their own access token and secret stored in the database. Once you have filled out the form, add the key and secret supplied to your application in the following sakai.properties: profile2.twitter.oauth.key= profile2.twitter.oauth.secret= DO NOT reset these keys without updating the properties in Sakai, as the integration will no longer function if they are out of sync (they are essentially your application's username and password). Add this to SAKAI-SRC/reference/library/src/webapp/skin/YOURSKIN/portal.css Code Block |
.icon-sakai-profile2 {
background-image: url(../../image/silk/vcard.png);
EntityBroker supportSee this page for information about the Entities exposed/supported by Profile2. AdoptionSee this page for a list of institutions using or trialling Profile2 Found a bug? Want something added? Things don't look right?Check the Common issues with Profile2 page. If that doesn't help, then please submit all bugs and feature requests as Jira tickets at:http://jira.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/PRFL If the issue is cosmetic, please make sure to include what environment (operating system and browser + version) you experienced the issue on. Internationalisation (i18n)Profile2 currently supports the following languages: - English (British and Australian) - default
- English (en_US)
- Catalan (ca)
- Spanish (es)
- Dutch (nl)
- Portuguese (pt_PT)
- Russian (ru)
- Indonesian (in_ID)
- Japanese (ja)
If you would like Profile2 to appear in your language, feel free to translate the following three property files and send them along: In addition, the email templates can be internationalised: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/profile2/.../api/emailtemplates/ Please append the country code/variant to the filename: (eg template-connectionRequest_en_GB.xml) Current status Jira Issues |
columns | type;key;summary;status |
anonymous | true |
url | http://jira.sakaiproject.org/jira/sr/jira.issueviews:searchrequest-xml/temp/SearchRequest.xml?pid=10500&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC&tempMax=100 |
Showing the first 100 issues - view full list. |