Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


No Format
mvn clean install 
mvn release:prepare

Refresh Maven Repo with 1.0.10, 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT and 1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts

For each new version (release, SNAPSHOT) issue the following command from the root folder:

If a release:

mvn -Prelease clean install deploy -DupdateReleaseInfo=true


mvn clean install javadoc:jar source:jar deploy

1. Check out 1.0.x branch (1.0.11-SNAPSHOT) and perform

No Format

mvn deploy

2. Check out kernel trunk (1.1-SHAPSHOT) and perform

No Format

mvn clean install javadoc:jar source:jar deploy

Maven will deploy the new artifacts to the Sakai Maven2 SNAPSHOT Repo automatically.

7.1 Trunk vs Branch releases

When releasing from trunk, issue the branch goal to create a new branch. The release plugin will then branch the current trunk to branches/kernel-1.NEXT MINOR VERSION.x.

No Format
mvn release:clean  (clean up release)  
mvn release:branch -DbranchName=kernel-1.1.x


7.2 Tag releases

(warning) If the release:perform should hang for some reason you can check out the tag do the following:


No Format
cd 1.0.10
mvn release:perform -DconnectionUrl=scm:svn:

Check out and test tag

The release plugin will generate a tag. Check it out and make sure it works, binding it against a local working copy of Sakai.

Refresh Maven Repo with 1.0.10, 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT and 1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts


8. Update trunk and snapshot artifacts

When the release has finished, check out the release branch and perform a snapshot deployment of it from the root folder:

If a release:

mvn -Prelease clean install deploy -DupdateReleaseInfo=true


mvn clean install javadoc:jar source:jar deploy

1. Check out 1.0.x branch (1.0.11-SNAPSHOT) and perform

No Format

mvn deploy

2. Check out kernel trunk (1.1-SHAPSHOT) and perform


Do the same for trunk if appropriate.

If a release:

mvn -Prelease clean install deploy -DupdateReleaseInfo=true

Maven will deploy the new artifacts to the Sakai Maven2 SNAPSHOT Repo automatically.



9. Generate kernel site

10. Confirm that repo is populated with new release artifacts

11. Confirm repo permissions are correct

No Format
sudo chown -R apache:apache kernel


12. Clean up repo

Move old /kernel backup archive to /var/www/html/tarball. Delete kernel-1.0.10.tgz.

Base pom.xml updates

Update 2.6.x and 2.6.0 branch poms to bind to kernel-1.0.10these when performing next release.

13. Update Sakai master/pom.xml property <sakai.kernel.version>

Update current *.x branch and release branch master/pom.xml <sakai.kernel.version> property. File a Jira on this in order to document pom updates. Buld and deploy branch(es) to Tomcat.


14. Jira: release version

Go to "manage versions" console at 1. 0Release version. 10 Add next version to released; add 1.0.10 (tentative).


version list if appropriate.

15. Update Confluence Release Mgmt space.

Update home page and Kernel page.

16. Inform community of release with email




No Format
I've released sakai-kernel-1.0.10 and updated both the Sakai maven2 release and snapshot repositories with fresh artifacts (1.0.10, 1.0.11-SNAPSHOT; 1.1-SNAPSHOT was refreshed yesterday).  Both Sakai 2.6.x and the upcoming sakai-2.6.0-rc05 will bind to 1.0.10.  The issues addressed by 1.0.10 can be reviewed in Jira at

Issues addressed by earlier releases can also be reviewed in Jira at




Please refresh your local development environment.

1. MVN: Backup/delete the .m2/repository/org/sakaiproject/kernel of
your repo
2. SVN: perform an svn update on sakai trunk code (this will pick up
Sakai updates that complement the K1 updates)
3. MVN: perform a clean and install on your sakai trunk code to
refresh your .m2 repo with updated kernel 1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts.
4. Build and deploy to Tomcat.

cd master
mvn clean install
cd ..
mvn clean install sakai:deploy


