Refresh Maven Repo with 1.0.8, 1.0.9-SNAPSHOT and 1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts
Each For each new release will require placement of corresponding kernel artifacts in the Maven2 repo.
Steps:version (release, SNAPSHOT) issue the following command from the root folder:
If a release:
mvn -Prelease clean install deploy -DupdateReleaseInfo=true
mvn deploy
1. Check out 1.0.x branch (1.0.9-SNAPSHOT) and perform
2. Check out kernel trunk (1.1-SHAPSHOT) and perform
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mvn deploy |
For each new version (tag, SNAPSHOT) issue the following command from the root folder:
If a release:
mvn -Prelease clean install deploy -DupdateReleaseInfo=true
Maven will deploy the new artifacts to the Sakai Maven2 SNAPSHOT Repo automatically.
sudo chown -R apache:apache kernel
Repo cleanup
Move old /kernel backup archive to /var/www/html/tarball
. Delete kernel-1.0.8.tgz
Base pom.xml updates
Update 2.6.x and 2.6.0 branch poms to bind to kernel-1.0.8. File a Jira on this in order to document pom updates.
Jira Kernel project
Set 1.0.8 version to released; add 1.0.8 (tentative).
Inform community with email.
links for fixforversion need to be updated to point to 1.0.8.
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I've released sakai-kernel-1.0.6 and updated the Sakai maven2 repo with fresh artifacts. 1.0.6 has been released in support of the upcoming sakai-2.6.0 release. The issues addressed by 1.0.6 can be reviewed in Jira at http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/KNL/fixforversion/11476 Issues addressed by earlier releases can also be reviewed in Jira at http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/KNL?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:versions-panel MAVEN2 REPO The maven2 repo includes the following new or refreshed artifacts: https://source.sakaiproject.org/maven2/org/sakaiproject/kernel/ 1.0.6 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT 1.1-SNAPSHOT SVN The 1.0.6 release has been tagged and the 2.6.x branch /master/pom.xml file has been updated to bind to 1.0.7-SNAPSHOT. When the next 2.6.0 tag is cut it will bind to K1 1.0.6. KERNEL (K1) PROJECT INFO Jira: http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/KNL Confluence: http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/confluence/display/REL/Kernel+1+(K1) NOTICE: TRUNK/CONTRIB DEVELOPERS DEVELOPING AGAINST K1 Please refresh your local development environment. 1. MVN: Backup/delete the .m2/repository/org/sakaiproject/kernel of your repo 2. SVN: perform an svn update on sakai trunk code (this will pick up Sakai updates that complement the K1 updates) 3. MVN: perform a clean and install on your sakai trunk code to refresh your .m2 repo with updated kernel 1.1-SNAPSHOT artifacts. 4. Build and deploy to Tomcat. cd master mvn clean install cd .. mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true sakai:deploy cheers, Anthony |
Maven Release Plugin
Maven mini-guide
J. Ferguson, "Using the Maven Release Plugin"