Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Git/Github migration | Former user (Deleted) | - timeline
- determine committers (~last 12 months); all/nothing rights, enforce socially
- travis-ci
| Sakai 11 strawman proposal | | |
| Infrastructure | Former user (Deleted) | - Nightly servers: IU needs to pass the baton
- DNS server (managed by UMich currently)
- Sakai maven repo (kill or move?)
| Sakai promotion | Former user (Deleted) | - Promotional materials (funding from Board)
- CIO/CTO value proposition page
- Announcements outside of the Sakai lists, Facebook, Twitter, news sites
- Product polish (whole package, ref mozilla products)
- Documentation
- simplified (eg install maven,tomcat etc)
- clarified (eg java_opts in multiple places)
- sakaiproject.org refinements
- Educause booth
| Roadmap development | Former user (Deleted) | Develop a roadmapHave interested people/organisations take ownership of certain goals/features.If a feature doesnt get buy in, it doesnt get included. |
| Membership | Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted) | |
| Lessons Enhancements Project | Former user (Deleted) | |
| Sakai Tech documentation | Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted), Former user (Deleted) | Two ideas: |
| Sakai Accessibility | Former user (Deleted) | - Previous versions of Sakai have been audited, meeting WCAG2 is important for users sake and for market competitiveness' sake
- There are no plans for a full audit of Sakai and a big chunk of accessibility resources are no longer part of project
| OAuth | Former user (Deleted) | Incubate? Commit? |