- New business
- review Course and Site Structures draft
- other???
1. cheryl@yale reviewed the CM Scenerios that Marc & Dalphey put up, she said that looks good
2. Josh recap Foothill meeting - CM group explained to Glenn what we were doing, Glenn gets it, supports it and will help Josh modify
authzGroup and spec out how group provider works so Josh can integrate membership with CM data. That is the only task that Glenn & Josh
planned to work on out of the FootHill meeting.
CM group also admitted misinterpretation the framework stuffs a few weeks ago. CM group agreed on the 3 way splits of sakai top level
project directory.
In the meeting, Duffy & Daisy also pointed out that sometimes there is very light weight enterprise data. Enterprise system will come in as
mixed and match and not so much either or. Some data are simply added manually,
3. Josh sent out an email about how to split up the projects into 3 modules and received no reply. So we have a discussion about it. The three
modules are
a. Course Site admin in contrib - Course Site admin is a tool which would use LMS Mapping and CourseManagement API
b. LMS Mapping & CourseManagementAPI module - these two should be bundled together 'cos tool can't function without mapping. LMS
mapping allows u to say for this sakai authzGroup,get me the enrollment site or set them. In other words, LMS Mapping maps a sakai
authzGroup with a CM enrollment set. Currently there are alraedy 3-4 methos in LMS Mpaping.
c. CourseManagement Implementation - some school may want to use Hibernate or just JDBC so it should be separated out with a no. of
implementation, e.g. hibernate implemenattion
Daisy thinks the split is fine.
4. Marc & Dalphey put up CM Scenerios in confluence. Marc said there will be a couple more, e.g. large lecture. The document generalizes
across institutions rather than hitting every scenerios. Marc asked if we notice any missing scenerios.
Josh said current CMAPI does not support cross-listed complex 1.
Josh said Glenn really wants to add hierachy. However when u think about how people need to navigate around, it has potential to becomes
a big task. Anyway, Josh reckoned G doesn't have the time to do it now. Daisy asked if G implements hierachy, what does that means to CM.
Josh said it may affects the LMS Mapping but not the work on CMAPI. Daisy is confused. Ray said if you flatten out the membership in a site,
i.e. move all the 3 section to the same row as C#1 & C#2, then that would work.
5. There is a lot of request from the sakai community for CM documentation but the documenattion in confluence described the old CMAPI.
Duffy said he will take a step to reorganize it. Josh said he would write a block diagram to describe the LMSMapping. Marc said he wants to
build up the confluence site more - will talk to Dalphey & Duffy.
6. Daisy offered to help Josh with coding. Josh proposed writing a browser tool that display all the course set and course offering - basically a
simple tool to navigate down the data set. Lydia, Daisy & Josh will spec out after meeting. Daisy asked for time line, Josh suggested May 1st
but June is more realistic 'cos we all have other commitment to 2.2.
7. Who is in the developer committee for the Vancouver meeting? Chuck, Joseph. Josh's CM & test harness presentation has been
accepted. mark n has 3 presentations accepted - they oriented to loose coupling. There is only 1.5 UI presentation.
From last week:
New Business