- Goal: Adjust the way results are reported to users
- Summary: Institution wants to control the way results are presented (e.g PDF reporting allowed, Excel allowed, etc.). Super user goes into the adminsitration view and adjusts the types of data exports that are allowed and the options related to that.
- Actors: Super User
- Events:
- Login as super user
- Go to Administration view (only visible to super user)
- Select the Control Reporting subview
- Adjust the settings
- Save the settings
- Implemented
Test the group provider
- Goal: Test that the group provider is registered and working
- Actors: Super User
- Events:
- Login as super user
- Go to Administration view (only visible to super user)
- Select the Provider testing view (Test EvalGroupProvider)
- If no provider is found then the view will explain this
- Enter test parameters and test the ability to resolve information
- Exit when done
- Implemented
Control email sending and handling
- Goal: Control how email is sent and handled for the installation
- Summary: Super admin wants to control the handling of emails without having to reconfigure or recode parts of the eval system. Using the control interface they make adjustments to how often emails are sent and which sending method is used.
- Actors: Super User
- Events:
- Login as super user
- Go to Administration view (only visible to super user)
- Go to the email control view
- Adjust the settings for handling emails
- Save the settings
- NotImplemented
Sample Template
- Goal: goal
- Summary:
- Actors: user
- Events:
- Login as super user
- stuff
- ImplementedNotImplemented