- We continue to increment versions and release portions of the code base despite zero changes (although not as indiscriminately as in the past).
- When commencing preparation for the next general CLE release (e.g., branch trunk to 2.9.x at a given revision point) we do so from a largely unknown state with respect to changes (this is not the case with indies). Who knew what was new in 2.8.0 (https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/DOC/Sakai+CLE+2.8+new+features)?
- Our build and deploy process is not consistent across projects (source compile in some cares; binary deployment in others) resulting in developer confusion and frustration.
- Release early and often as a goal continues to allude us: We we appear as a community capable of assembling a single CLE minor release (e.g. 2.8.0) and 3-4 CLE maintenance releases per year (and we've slipped in maintenance release output for 2011).