Year | *.0 releases | Maintenance releases | Notes |
2011 | 2.8.0 | 2.7.2 (June/July), 2.8.1 (Aug/Sept?) + indie maintenance releases (e.. kernel, etc.) | no CLE maintenance releases since Aug 2010 |
2010 | 2.7.0 | 2.7.1, 2.6.3, 2.6.2, 2.5.6 + indie maintenance releases (e.g., kernel, msgcntr, profile2, samigo) |
2009 | 2.6.0 | 2.6.1, 2.5.5, 2.5.4 |
2008 | 2.5.0 | 2.5.3, 2.5.2, 2.5.1 | The 2.5.1 release was never publicly released. |
2007 | 2.4.0 | 2.4.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.1, 2.2.3 |
2006 | 2.3.0, 2.2.0 | 2.2.2, 2.2.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.1 |
2005 | 2.1.0, 1.5.0 | 1.5.1 |
2004 | 1.0 |
Recommended changes
Revive full source checkout (trunk, *.x branches
- update svn .externals to include all core capabilities (e.g., kernel, indies, etc.) in a standard source check out.
example: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sakai/branches/sakai-trunk-all/.externals - default build/deploy from source rather than mixed source and binary (e.g., assembly zip) deploy
example: https://source.sakaiproject.org/svn/sakai/branches/sakai-trunk-all/ - consolidate/eliminate or otherwise restrict to a bin-deploy profile (-Pbin-deploy) poms such as kernel-deploy and core-deploy
Leverage Maven release
for all core projects (increase off-cycle release options)
- Provide indie release capabilities for all core projects (e.g. maven-release-plugin) in order to simplify the release process and permit greater range of "off-cycle" releases.
- Maven coordinates changes limited to <groupid> revision only (e.g., org.sakaiproject.[project]); <artifactId>, <version> will not be changed unless an overwhelmingly compelling reason exists to do so. Target trunk and 2.8.x.
- This can be done quicker than one might otherwise think.
Release project APIs independently from impl, tool modules, etc.
- Provide finer-grained, more flexible build directives
- Requires scaling back our over-reliance on parent/child relationships between poms (dependency <> parent/child). Think parent/child only in cases where modules actually share dependencies and a common configuration.
- API versioning ideal = major.minor (e.g. 2.9-SNAPSHOT, tag = 2.9).
- Start with the kernel and entitybroker.
Dependency tree refinements: add entitybroker and common projects to kernel
- Simplify the dependency tree by adding projects such as archive, import and privacy as well as the entitybroker appear to the kernel. Target trunk and 2.8.x. Consider back porting to 2.7.x.
- Changes to kernel-util particularly to classes such as FormattedText.java can trigger tool releases since kernel-utils is bundled up in each project's webapp.
Release project APIs independently from impl, tool, etc.
- Provide finer-grained, more flexible build directives
- Requires scaling back our over-reliance on parent/child relationships between poms (dependency <> parent/child). Think parent/child only in cases where modules actually share dependencies and a common configuration.
- API versioning ideal = major.minor (e.g. 2.9-SNAPSHOT, tag = 2.9).
- Start with the kernel and entitybroker.