Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


Remarks and Explanations
1.2.4 Captions (Live)Not ApplicableNeither audio nor video are included in the product.
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)Not ApplicableNeither audio nor video are included in the product.
1.3.4 OrientationNot EvaluatedProduct not tested for 2.1 criteria.
1.3.5 Identify Input PurposeNot EvaluatedProduct not tested for 2.1 criteria.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)



There are very few instances of insufficient contrast in the application.

1.4.4 Resize textSupports

Text can be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality.

1.4.5 Images of TextSupports

Text is used to convey information rather than images of text except for essential elements (logos).

1.4.10 ReflowNot EvaluatedProduct not tested for 2.1 criteria.
1.4.11 Not-text ContrastNot EvaluatedProduct not tested for 2.1 criteria.
1.4.12 Text SpacingNot EvaluatedProduct not tested for 2.1 criteria.
1.4.13 Content on Hover or FocusNot EvaluatedProduct not tested for 2.1 criteria.
2.4.5 Multiple WaysSupports

More than one way is available to locate a Web page within a set of Web pages except where the Web Page is the result of, or a step in, a process.

2.4.6 Headings and LabelsSupports

Headings and labels describe topic or purpose.

2.4.7 Focus Visible

Partially Supports

Overall, the application supports this criterion, however, there are issues with visual focus in the Gradebook when a user tries to grade a rubric.

This criterion is supported for student users.

3.1.2 Language of PartsSupports

Human language of passages or phrases can be programmatically determined.

3.2.3 Consistent NavigationSupports

Navigational mechanisms that are repeated on multiple Web pages within a set of Web pages occur in the same relative order each time they are repeated, unless a change is initiated by the user.

3.2.4 Consistent IdentificationSupports

Components that have the same functionality within a set of Web pages are identified consistently.

3.3.3 Error SuggestionPartially

Some errors provide insufficient feedback.

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data)Supports

Regarding Tests and Quizzes: Submissions are not reversible. Once a quiz has been submitted, only the instructor can delete the original submission and/or allow a retake. Data entered by the user is not checked for input errors. A mechanism is available for reviewing, confirming, and correcting information before finalizing the submission. Students are prompted to confirm that they are ready to submit the assessment for grading prior to submission.

4.1.3 Status MessagesNot EvaluatedProduct not tested for 2.1 criteria.

Revised Section 508 Report

Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)


302.1 Without Vision


Where a visual mode of operation is provided, product provides at least one mode of operation that does not require user vision. Product is screen reader friendly.


302.2 With Limited Vision


302.3 Without Perception of Color




Where a visual mode of operation is provided, product provides at least one mode of operation that does not require user perception of color.

Known exceptions: distinguishing dates in the calendar.


302.4 Without Hearing


Product contains no built-in audio. Any audio components are uploaded by the user. It is up to the user to provide captions, transcripts, or audio descriptions.


302.5 With Limited Hearing


302.6 Without Speech


Product does not require speech input, control, or operation.


302.7 With Limited Manipulation




Product is keyboard and assistive technology friendly with very few exceptions, which are indicated in the above report.


302.8 With Limited Reach and Strength




302.9 With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities




The pages of this product have a consistent navigation and presentation with clear labels, titles etc. However, some best practices are not followed including ability to reverse form submission for tests and quizzes, data being checked for input error prior to submission, and as described in 2.4.4, a few links have inadequate text.

Authoring Tools


504.2 Content Creation or Editing (if not authoring tool, enter “not applicable”)


See information in WCAG section.


504.2.1 Preservation of Information Provided for Accessibility in Format Conversion


Product does not convert content/file formats.


504.2.2 PDF Export


Several tools within the product give the option to generate a print PDF view for non-PDF content. The standard of the PDF is reliant on the user’s system. These generated PDFs are not accessible.


504.3 Prompts




504.4 Templates


Product does not provide content templates. Any templates used in the product would have been supplied by the institution.

Support Documentation


602.2 Accessibility and Compatibility Features


Product includes a help section devoted to accessibility and users of assistive technology. This section includes an overview of the product including organization, landmarks, a list of skip links, access keys and supportive information for accessible and efficient navigation and operation. Information on color/contrast modification and enlarging screen elements are also available. Detailed information is also provided on best practices for creating accessible content for the product.


602.3 Electronic Support Documentation


602.4 Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support Documentation


Product is open source. Institutions may choose between self-hosting and vendor support (e.g., Longsight).


Table 1: Success Criteria, Level A

Notes: Not Evaluated - removed.

Support Services

Remarks and Explanations

603.2 Information on Accessibility and Compatibility Features


A basic overview of best practices for accessibility is provided as part of faculty/staff training, if it is requested by the client. Clients are reminded to keep accessibility in mind when creating content and given examples of best practices and common pitfalls. Clients are also referred to the section of the online support documentation devoted to accessibility and compatibility features mentioned above in 602.2.

603.3 Accommodation of Communication Needs

Not Applicable

Product is open source. Institutions may choose between self-hosting and vendor support (e.g., Longsight).

End users receive alternate support via offline and in-person methods as determined appropriate by their academic institution.
