This details the design of the CRUD tool example app. This tool is designed to illustrate all of the basics necessary to a tool in Sakai. CRUD stands for Create Read Update Delete and is used when referring to a basic tool that interacts with a database.
- Items data model needs to store the following
- Title
- Hidden (personal only) or Visible (public)
- Owner (user ID)
- Context (Associated site or group)
- Date created
- List of items should be visible in a context
- User may view any items that they added
- Only public items are viewable (except for overriding permissions)
- User may add, modify, or delete existing items
- User may remove any items that they added
- Super admin and overriding permissions may remove any item
- Status messages should appear to the user
- Added item, removed item(s), modified item
- List Items
- Add Item
- List Items (permissions of normal user shown)
- List Items (message shown)