You must have the following: 1) Java and Maven 2 installed and your project setup as a maven 2 project 2) A set of hibernate HBM files and matching persistent POJOs 3) A project structure like so (where impl is the root directory in this case): impl How to use this: 1) Copy the contents of this zip/folder into a impl/src/ddl folder (referred to as the ddl folder) so that all the files included are located inside your source code tree NOTE: You cannot copy this into a folder which already contains a pom.xml 2) Edit the pom.xml file 2A) Change the name, groupId, and artifactId to match your project: <name>Sakai Hierarchy DB DDL generator</name> <groupId>org.sakaiproject.hierarchy</groupId> <artifactId>hierarchy-ddl-generator</artifactId> 2B) Change the parent POM to refer to your project base POM, if you have no project base POM then you can remove the <parent> tag <!-- this should refer to your project base POM --> <parent> <artifactId>hierarchy</artifactId> <groupId>org.sakaiproject</groupId> <version>1.2.0-SNAPSHOT</version><!-hierarchy.version-> </parent> 2C) Change the to match your project, this will be the name used for the ddl files (example: hierarchy.sql) <properties> <!-- change this to reflect the name to use for the ddl files --> <>hierarchy</> </properties> 2D) Change the dependencies to pull in your hibernate persistent POJOs (these are needed in order to process the HBM files) <!-- this should pull in your hibernate persistent POJOs --> <dependency> <groupId>org.sakaiproject.hierarchy</groupId> <artifactId>hierarchy-api</artifactId> <version>1.2.0-SNAPSHOT</version><!-hierarchy.version-> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> 2E) Change the build resources to pull in your .hbm.xml files <resource> <!-- this should pull in your .hbm.xml files --> <directory>${basedir}/../java</directory> <includes> <include>*/.xml</include> </includes> <filtering>false</filtering> </resource> 3) Edit the hibernate.cfg.xml file, the mapping resources must point to all your HBM files <session-factory> <!-- these mapping resource paths must point to your hibernate template files (.hbm.xml), this should be the classpath location (typically after the src directory) --> <mapping resource="org/sakaiproject/hierarchy/dao/hbm/HierarchyNodeMetaData.hbm.xml" /> <mapping resource="org/sakaiproject/hierarchy/dao/hbm/HierarchyPersistentNode.hbm.xml" /> </session-factory> 4) Run maven 2 to generate the DDL from the ddl folder: mvn install You should now have a new set of folders inside the ddl folder, each one will contain a ddl file for a specific database with the database name as the name of the folder containing the ddl file Example: ddl/mysql/hierarchy.sql That's all there is to it. |